If you wish to show your classic vehicle at the show please use our 2024 entry form, found below, enclosing the correct fee and a stamped self-addressed envelope for your entry ticket.

We do allow a number of ‘turn up on the day’ entrants so if you do turn up on the day you will not be turned away. Could entrants be in position by 11am and stalls up and running by then please?

If you would like to have a commercial or charity stall at the show details are on our “Application form for stalls” below. Please note these are outside pitches for stalls we have no pitches for stalls inside a building or marquee also note that our Catering Concessions are now filled.

We now have a separate form for Motor Dealers

The forms  will appear in a separate window, suitable for printing out or downloading (you will need Adobe Reader, ie pdf click for free download). Just close the window to return to our site.

Unfortunately we currently have no way to accept money via the internet and so cannot accept electronic forms etc.

Please click below for applications:-

Concessions form 2025.pdf Entry Form 2025.pdf Caravan Booking Form 2025.pdf Concessions form 2025.pdf